Dr. Brenda Muzeta

Professor and Coordinator
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Brenda Muzeta

Dr. Brenda Muzeta is an associate professor in secondary education at Pennsylvania’s Kutztown University and Coordinator of their English as a Second Language (ESL) Program. Dr. Muzeta teaches a variety of courses focused on teaching protocols, practices, and methodology, including approaches to aiding English language learners.

Dr. Muzeta’s expertise is in the areas of cultural responsiveness and inclusion in education, with a body of research that has explored a wide variety of issues relating to language, culture, identity, social justice, and equity in education. Her research often draws on the voices and experiences of English learners to better understand the sociocultural and sociopolitical contexts in which these students develop and grow. Her work has appeared in a variety of publications such as TESOL Connections and SPELT Quarterly Journal.

Dr. Muzeta attended Southern Illinois University, where she earned a B.A. in French, as well as her M.S. in Foreign Language Teaching and Instructional Technology. Her Ph.D. in Teacher Education, with a concentration in English Language Learner Education, was earned at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
