Preschool and Pre-K Daily Routine 

  1. Self-help routine: Getting dressed, making up the bed, and eating breakfast.
  2. Sit together in the workspace you have chosen.
  3. Preview the day.

Yoga helps to focus children’s minds and channel their energy.

Yoga Poses

  1. Sharing quality children’s literature
  2. Story Time at Home Activity exploring the concepts introduced in the book (Activity 1)

Teachers Reading to Kids

Create simple Learning Centers that allow children to engage in independent productive play. This play is critical for children's development.

Creating Centers

Children have the opportunity to engage in a variety of creative experiences.

Start Creating

Children engage in hands-on activities that focus on the five strands of literacy learning. We recommend doing one literacy workbook page per day. 

Workbook for Ages 3 to 4

Workbook for Ages 4 to 5

Movement and fresh air is essential for children's health and optimal development.

Benefits of Outdoor Play

Journaling helps promote both literacy and social-emotional development

Journaling at Home

Letting children help prepare lunch contributes to so many skills: math, literacy, and self-help. A healthy lunch gives children the mental and physical energy for optimal development.

Learning through Cooking



A child does not have to nap in order rest. Rest is just as important as physical activity and healthy food in strengthening a child’s ability to focus.

Creating Restful Nap Times

  1. Sharing quality children’s literature (you can read the book if you have it or you can watch the video again)
  2. Story Time at Home Activity exploring the concepts introduced in the book (Activity 2)

Teachers Reading to Kids

Create simple Learning Centers that allow children to engage in independent productive play. This play is critical for children's development.

Creating Centers in Your Home

Children have the opportunity to engage in a variety of creative experiences.

Start Creating

Children engage in hands-on activities that focus on the five strands of math learning. We recommend doing one math workbook page per day. 

Workbook for Ages 3 to 4

Workbook for Ages 4 to 5

Movement and fresh air is essential for children's health and optimal development.

Benefits of Outdoor Play

Encouraging children to help around the house is a great way to encourage positive behavior skills such as responsibility, independence, and respect.

Teaching Responsibility through Chores
